Separation or divorce is never easy and whether it’s amicable or not, it comes with every stress imaginable.
What now? Where do I go? Can I afford to live without him / her? What will it be like and if there are children involved?
Often the best option is to sell the family home, not only from the point of view of the financial burden which will then become incumbent on one person but from the point of view of the memories associated with the property.
Doing this will allow you to get what you deserve out of your property.
Two of the most stressful events in life are selling a property and separating or divorcing and when both come together, it can be a melting pot of stress, anxiety and uncertainty.
It is important moving forward that you are well informed of all of your options, you will need good people around you, friends, family and also professional help and support.
If you decide to sell your property in the conventional way, remember that you must set aside a minimum of 3 months to complete the process.
Be prepared to approve a Home Report, organise your property for photographs and approve them too, accommodate agents, surveyors and viewers, appoint a lawyer, agree all of the legal aspects and hope that your buyer completes on the agreed date.
You may have to even take viewings within the property and show people around that are interested in buying it.
If for any reason, your buyer does not conclude, or drags his or her heels or even fails to complete for whatever reason, you are unfortunately back to square one again.
Thankfully most sales do complete but there are always those which don’t, it is just another factor to bear in mind.
The “typical” process can be extremely exhausting, keeping your house in tip top condition for weeks on end while you accommodate all of this and make decisions along the way, when you are really not at your best.
We recommend looking at other options too. Are you aware that the selling process can be simplified to the point of having a sale agreed, and completed within a few days? This is indeed possible without having the stress of putting your property on the open market, it can be completed covertly.
We have many creative ways in which we can sell your property and we can pay your legal fees too.
Depending on the method of sale used, we can often agree a full asking price for your property. We have all manner of professionals on our team which can give you access to advice with regard to your finances moving forward.
We really have a wealth of knowledge obtained over many many years in the property space and we are more than happy to share that with you. By completing the free valuation form, you are not obligating yourself in any way and all of our information and help comes free of charge.
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